Maybe I AM too picky

25 Feb

I have been quite introspective today. Maybe it’s all the whiskey I drank last night, or maybe it’s something else, but that’s where I am today.
A friend asked me to write about some of the deal breakers I have when dating.  I came up with a list and sent it to him, then realized that I could keep going. And going, and going.  So, now I am left wondering if maybe I am too cynical and picky. He reminded me of an article written by Lori Gottlieb about the option of settling. She argues that the idea of romantic love is not viable in today’s world and women should get over it and settle for Mr. Right Now instead of waiting for Mr. Big.  I suppose this is a viable option, but the more I think about it, the more I don’t want to just settle. She makes me mad.  The reason why I have all these dealbreakers, that range from not putting your bed on the floor to not wearing baseball hats, is because I will not settle.  I want crazy, head over heals, moving-across-the-country-to-be-with-someone love, even if it only lasts for a short time.

I think that the settlers of the world are exactly what’s wrong with the world. Everyone around me settles, I see it all the time.  I suppose I have too, by dating men who are less than challenging or have more than one of my dealbreakers that I overlook. Let it be known that going forward, I will not be settling.  Take that, Ms. Gottlieb.

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